Category: Blog


Dopamine Dressing

Dopamine dressing is more than just a trendy term; it’s a powerful tool for boosting your mood and well-being through the clothes you choose to wear.


Invest in Yourself with a Life Coach!

Life coaching isn’t about telling you what to do or giving you ready-made solutions. Instead, it’s about fostering a deep self-awareness, helping you understand your strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals.



Ever wondered why we tend to express our enthusiasm with arms raised high in the air like say after winning a marathon or a cricket tournament?


Getting To Yes – A Summation by Nasir Shaikh

Negotiation as a concept as a way of life is a part of our daily lives, literally impossible to avoid. What is Negotiation to you, to me it is a conversation directed at reaching a consensus or an agreement.


Conversation with Sadhguru

I had the opportunity to have a one on one conversation with Sadhguru himself. Over the years, I have met many personalities and celebrities but this encounter of mine I will always hold close to my heart.



At the heart of leadership is the pursuit of personal growth, and I’m thrilled to introduce the P.A.C.E model, a compass for success in your leadership journey.

Hamster Wheel Trap

The Hamster Wheel Trap

Ever find yourself caught in the relentless spin of the hamster wheel of thoughts? It happens to the best of us! Today, let’s talk about breaking free from this cycle to boost our efficiency and reclaim our focus.