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In Every Story, You Hear the Hunter’s Tale… But What About the Wolf?

Are you tired of the same old narratives? Tired of hearing just one side of the story?

In conflict coaching, we often hear the “hunter’s perspective” – the one focused on winning, proving their point, and taking down the “prey.”

But what if there’s more to the story? What if the “prey” has a voice, a perspective, and even valid concerns?

Imagine this: a conflict between two colleagues. One sees the other as lazy and incompetent, wanting to “take them down.” The other feels unfairly targeted and misunderstood. Both are stuck in their narratives, unable to see the bigger picture.

As a conflict coach, I help clients step outside the hunter’s perspective and explore the wolf’s viewpoint.

This means:

  • Empathy: Understanding the other’s feelings, needs, and motivations.
  • Communication: Actively listening, asking open-ended questions, and seeking common ground.
  • Collaboration: Finding solutions that work for everyone, not just the “winner.”

Here’s the magic: When both sides are heard and understood, conflicts transform into opportunities. Instead of a battle, it becomes a dance – a dance of mutual respect, collaboration, and even growth.

So, the next time you’re in a conflict, ask yourself:

  • Am I stuck in the hunter’s perspective?
  • What is the wolf’s story?
  • How can I create a space for both voices to be heard?

By shifting the narrative, we can unlock a whole new level of understanding and create win-win outcomes for everyone involved.

Ready to explore the wolf’s perspective?

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P.S. Share this blog if you believe in the power of hearing all sides of the story!

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Nasir Shaikh

A hospitality trailblazer, eminent educationist, entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, leadership guru, motivational speaker, and proficient mentor - Mr. Shaikh dawns many hats and he dawns them all with impeccable poise and earnestness.

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